Web Analytics for Success

September 16, 2010

I’m a fan of quick-hit online marketing tactics that deliver instantaneous results. Did you know, there’s one simple web analytics metric that can improve a variety of performance indicators simultaneously?

What if you could reduce abandonment, improve Depth of Visit, Time on Site, and conversion metrics while driving up return on ad spend (ROAS), too? You might think the answer is buried under multiple layers of data sliced this way and that. Not so. The data are right out there in the open and just about any web analytics platform can provide the answer in seconds.

Landing Page Abandonment is a crucial and often overlooked metric that can do wonders for driving quick improvements in more than one key performance indicator (KPI.) This metric is often referred to as Single Page Visits. While this may seem obvious, and I believe it is, most online marketers would spend their time investigating ways to improve individual KPI’s.

Before researching methods for improving conversion rates, CLV, or CPA, I recommend peeling the onion one layer at a time. Focusing on KPI’s will certainly deliver results; however, I believe we’re only as strong as our weakest link. And, if our first customer interaction fails 65% of the time, then it seems logical to begin the process at this point.

There is, without a doubt, a cause-and-effect relationship that links the rate of single page visits to the combination of landing page design, content, and messaging to traffic source, campaign, keyword, etc.

Site traffic from paid search, organic search, email, banner ads, and social media varies greatly in terms of intent and expectations. Visitors arriving at your site from active campaigns might be more motivated and open to offers and calls-to-action on your landing pages. In contrast visits from organic search tend to be more passive. Our research has shown these visitors to be focused on gathering information, inspiration, or guidance.

The key is fine-tune your campaigns and optimize your landing pages. When you find that magic formula you’ll find that your ad dollars go further while other key metrics also improve. At this point, you can begin to turn your attention to downstream metrics such as clicks to purchase, conversion path analysis, and average order volume/size.

Learn more about WorldLink Marketing and how we might help you achieve greater success with your online marketing efforts.